09 January 2010

Story of the Eternal Ham

Trying out frugal meat week.

TUESDAY: bought a ham (20 bucks) spiral, bone in served it with mashed roots, applesauce, veg - happy boys

WEDNESDAY: texted Robert from class how to make gnocchi and use the ham...he decided to saute rather than toss the ingredients together - gnocchi with a bit of onion, bits of ham, olive oil...then add salt and pep and parmesan...salad on side. i came home late, boys layin about the fire, yum they said, daddy can cook...

THURSDAY: back from class early. Attempt to use leftover mashed roots to make a version of latke/potato pancake with some drippings from ham and more oil, adding egg, flour and onion and HAM to the mashed. as my web recipes tell me.  Realized mediocre crispiness is because of the low starch in the sweet potato and parsnips...they eat them politely. With more applesauce.

FRIDAY: I notice the house has a ham smell when you first walk in. For dinner had Pizza - Hawaiian with....that meat again.

SATURDAY: back from the hill (ski/snowboarding), cold to the bone from watching them  (yes for those interested, I wore a HAT). Used ham bone and drippings, bay leaves to make pea soup. It's my sister-in-law Dineke's recipe with apple and cumin, garlic, carrot, potato, onions, split peas and HAM...very good. I make sure not too goopy as pea soup can get that way fast. Even so, Ezra decides the texture is off-putting. He has agreed to pose with the bowl on the condition that he can express his feelings towards whats in it.

Older two and Robert plough through it and say its good when game is starting. I am feeling the need to get out and eat something other than ham.

Put pea soup and rest of  ham to rest. In the freezer.  For the winter.

Robert has cleaned whole kitchen...pea soup does get around...and is making coffee.  i do love that man.


  1. LOVE that sad face. I want to give that boy a hug. Take him out for a cheeseburger and fries.

  2. I just have to comment...stumbled on you here through Michele's blog, Marcella. It's been cool reading some of your blogs- hope you don't mind-
    But, is that spoon resting on top of the soup? I can relate to Ezra's distaste of the texture-pea soup is just too pea-ish. The other ingredients though sound like it would have a great taste! Fun posts...

  3. Spoon is actually submerged, but no matter how much stock you add, peas soup thickens as it cools off, often with that skin on the top - just the nature of that soup -

    i didn't make him it eat it - never liked pea soup when i was a kid either and i have memories of having to eat terrible things (haha) but i did ask him to try two bites...

    i enjoyed reading your post about the wiks Glenda - and don't mind at all if you read any of mine. Hope all is well with you - you must have highschool/college/univ. aged boys by now...

  4. Thanks! Yup- Kurt is the oldest at 21, then Sean 19, then Colin 16. Kurt is at home waiting on certication with our dog Duece so he can volunteer with the St.John's pet therapy program. Sean is at Fanshawe College 1st year for Integrated Land Planning and Technology (also known as Landscape Artchitect and Design) but doesn't sound like he'll be continuing in this after this year. Not sure yet- maybe music degree? teaching? he's still all over the map and Colin is grade 11 and as of now wants to be a police officer. So that's us in a nutshell. Good to be in touch again :)

  5. Just a note to say thanks for the laughs. Tony and I are sitting here amused with your ham week...quite funny. We'd love a copy of that soup recipee, by the way. Sounds better than ours - well we don't have one.
    Please explain the meaning of "corroeli" - is that your real second name??
