12 January 2010

Lost and found

I love this one.
like you're emerging through woods to find a lost city.

actually i was emerging through woods from a trek on the Hamilton escarpment wanting a coffee.

i found one at this place on King.

Its called the Freeway coffeehouse - it says its like your livingroom, but your life, but bigger!

these two folk served me a nice sammy and fairtrade coffee, with free internet to boot if i wanted.
I also noticed art on walls from local artists - which rotate monthly they said, eyeing me for interest..looking down at my muddy boots.
they are a downtown venue for community events, gatherings, and a friday night venue for musicians.
well isn't that lovely?
collection for coats and food at door - lots of local homeless who can drop in for free coffee and warmth. people end up buying them sandwiches.

Lost city, i am glad i found you.

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